
Showing posts from November, 2021

4 awesome games you can play on your Jio Phone

  Jio Phone is a new 4G phone and the best part about it is that it has access to all apps and games. The Jio app store can be accessed through an Android emulator called Jiovision which you can download from the play store for free. Best of all, most of these games are free! In this article, we will share with you 4 awesome games you can play on your Jio Phone. Tuk Tuk Go!  This game features a Tuk-Tuk (Indian Auto). The objective of the game is to complete the course without getting hit by obstacles. Tuk Tuk Go has a number of power-ups that make the game interesting. This game features a Tuk-Tuk (Indian Auto). The object of the player is to complete the course without getting hit by obstacles along the way. To make things interesting, there are many power-ups available in this game that challenge players even further while playing on courses with multiple levels and different challenges for each level. This is a fun, extensive racing game where the player needs to drive through vari

Best gaming phones 2021: great phones for every kind of game

  If you're a gamer, then one of your primary concerns is the kind of phone you have. If it's not good enough for gaming purposes, it will be difficult to enjoy games on your phone and may even hinder their performance. This article will go over the best phones for every type of game in 2021! The gaming phones that are going to be released in 2021 have a lot of power. The upcoming consoles have been getting a lot of attention, but there are some exciting things happening on Android and Apple phones too, and unlike consoles, you won't need to wait for 5 am to get one online. We've rounded up the best Android and iOS phones for gaming currently on sale. We'll also look forward to what's next in both ecosystems, as well as highlight some of our favorite handsets that don't necessarily focus on pure power but are still great for playing games. As time goes on, processors get faster and more powerful. Graphics displays get sharper and better. And with all the tim

Does playing games damage Android phone

  Android phones are great, but one of the downsides to using them is that they can become very hot and drain the battery quickly. The question is: does playing games on android devices cause these problems? Let's explore some different questions about this topic. Many people think that playing games on an Android phone will damage these devices. However, there are many facts about what is true and what isn't when it comes to this subject. In fact, most experts believe that allowing your child to play a variety of different types of educational apps can actually help them learn more quickly. Some studies have even shown that children who play games and apps for fun can actually increase their IQ. If you are an Android user yourself, it is important to understand the potential damage these devices may experience when they get too hot or cold. The best thing to do for your phone keep it out of direct sunlight and try not to play games when you are in the car during hot weather. T

Insanely Simple Steps for Killing the Mobile Gaming Addiction

  Do you find yourself constantly on your mobile device? Do you feel like it's the only thing that calms your anxiety and stress?  If so, then we have news for you: You're addicted.  The good news is that there are some very simple steps to help get rid of this addiction. In this article, we'll share 3 ways to do just that! I was once victimized by gaming addiction.  As years progressed, the addiction only grew stronger.  It started out with a desktop PC and later shifted to smartphones.  I still remember playing Road Rash on a trash PC and how years later I ended up playing Call of Duty.  When I didn’t have much time for these giants, I started playing RPGs on my smartphone like Clash of Clans, Samurai Siege, DomiNations, Boom Beach, and even a few games from the different genres like Subway Surfers, Shadow Fight, Temple Run, and the list goes on. It was at this point when I knew that I needed to find some way to beat the addiction.  While chatting with my friends about th

3 Ways to Keep Your Gaming Phone Cool

  What’s the best gaming phone cooler? We all know that gaming phones get hot, but what are some solutions for keeping them cool? There are a few things you can do to keep your gaming phone from overheating while gaming. Let's explore these Three Ways to Keep Your Gaming Phone Cool. The first is simple: gaming phones do get hot. So, don’t keep it in your pocket or under a pillow when you play for extended periods of time. That will cause the phone to overheat and eventually lose it's cool (no pun intended). Another option is to purchase a gaming phone cooler! There are many options available on Amazon that could help. One example is a gaming phone stand. That will elevate the gaming phone so that it has better ventilation and won’t be touching your body while you play. A third option would be to have a fan pointed at the gaming phone when playing for long periods of time in order to keep things cool. This can help, but sometimes having a fan pointed at the gaming phone can be d